Artisan bread making master class with Stephane Lucas and Mary McCarthy.

$300.00 – 2 MACS FARM


Come and spend the day with Mary’s great friend and fabulous French chef Stephane Lucas, whose expertise in all thing bread and baked will amaze you.This is a day for bread making enthusiasts and will cover everything from sourdough & polish to French bread ,pitta and no-knead ( well almost no-knead ). Expand your knowledge, skills and bread making repertoire and take home extensive notes, your own sourdough starter and your freshly made bread that was baked in the magnificent 2MacsFarms wood fired oven.

A delicious farm lunch prepared by Mary and a glass or two of local vino will round out a wonderful, busy and information packed day.

WHEN (Saturday) 9:00 am – 3:00 pm

WHERE – 2 Macs Farms, Cnr of Browns Rd and Greens Rd Main Ridge VIC (entry is approx. 50m down Greens Rd, on the right)

Please arrive no later than 8.45, we have an awful lot of baking to do.

To book visit the website or call 0419 549 654 (Mary)

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