Red Hill Truffles

It’s a sunny, chilly autumn afternoon and Jenny McAuley of Red Hill Truffles is preparing for the busiest season of the truffle calendar. ”The truffle season starts at the beginning of June and runs for 12 weeks,” explains Jenny. “The truffle starts growing in the ground in the first week of December and it takes until the first of June to grow and ripen. The fungus grows on the root of tree, and the tree likes the fungus because the fungus kills the grass around the tree that competes with it for the sugar, water and elements it needs to thrive.

South Beach Project

Going out for a brunch of avocado on toast and a perfectly brewed flat white is a weekend ritual for many down Mt Martha way but the eclectic menu also includes dishes such as Fried Noodle Omelette, Mexican Grain Salad, Cauliflower Cous Cous & Korean Fried Chicken Burgers. As a region, we are spoiled for choice when it comes to exceptional cafes and South Beach Project fits neatly into this bracket.

International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend at Cape Schanck

Join us at the Cape Schanck Lighthouse for the International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend! Be sure to book in a tour of the Lighthouse, where you will climb the steps to the lamp room, discover the history of the lighthouse, see how it still operates to this day and experience spectacular views across from the Lighthouse Balcony.


With fruit coming from six unique vineyards located across the Peninsula, Montalto Vineyard and Olive Grove creates interesting and complex wines reflecting the fantastic diversity of the vineyards, according to winemaker Simon Black. There’s more than the multiple award winning wines and the restaurants 11 chef’s hats since 2002 that make a visit to Montalto such a rewarding place to visit.